The 23rd Best Films


Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 
The highest ranking Universal horror film on this list, Bride carries the ideas and questions from the original. Where does ability bump up against permissibility? If we can do something, should we? Are there ethical and moral considerations in life? But this time, it takes an even closer look at the creature, and the struggle for meaning when the relationship between creature and creator is broken down. And, add to it all the evil of Pretorius, a creature who relishes pushing past every ethical barrier that exists.


Dances with Wolves (1990) 
What I love about “Wolves,” beyond the beauty of the American West setting, is the cross-cultural story that occurs. Costner’s Dunbar is a man who gets to know another culture discovering that the other have many similarities. There are differences, to be sure, and both cultures likely have much to win for their perspectives. Unfortunately, people on both sides too often struggle too much with fear to learn from each other.


Sleepy Hollow (1999) 
This story is a delight because it explores the hubris of the human claim to be able to know all, to be able to dissect reality to the point of controlling it. Crane learns this when he confronts the real evil within humanity.


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