God's Presence (Exodus 33, 34)
The concluding issue of Exodus will be the obedient fulfillment of the law to build the tent of meeting, carried out in precise detail. However, first the covenant needed to be reestablished. Moses again spends 40 days and nights with God receiving and (this time) inscribing the law on tablets. (God had written them the first time.)
But the issue that concerns Moses in these chapters is that the people need God to be with them. As they leave the mountain and head to the promised land, it will be meaningless if God does not stay with them. God has threatened to merely send an angel with them, lest He destroy the rebellious, obstinate people.
Now that is the heart of the Exodus story, especially as it fits into the greater, Gospel plan. How does a sinful people experience a restored relationship with Holy God? The answer may seem to be the Law of the covenant, but they have already shown (and will go on to show repeatedly) that the Law does not make people holy and acceptable to God.
The answer, instead, is found in Godās name (nature) here revealed to Moses as God passes before him.
This is the essence of the Gospel. The nature of God. A paradox of mercy, grace, and justice that will only be possible in the miraculous incarnation and sacrifice of the Messiah. That is how we can experience Godās presence in our lives; a restored relationship with Holy God as forgiven and redeemed sinners.
But the issue that concerns Moses in these chapters is that the people need God to be with them. As they leave the mountain and head to the promised land, it will be meaningless if God does not stay with them. God has threatened to merely send an angel with them, lest He destroy the rebellious, obstinate people.
Now that is the heart of the Exodus story, especially as it fits into the greater, Gospel plan. How does a sinful people experience a restored relationship with Holy God? The answer may seem to be the Law of the covenant, but they have already shown (and will go on to show repeatedly) that the Law does not make people holy and acceptable to God.
The answer, instead, is found in Godās name (nature) here revealed to Moses as God passes before him.
āYHWH, YHWH God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness (mercy) and truth (faithfulness), who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.ā
This is the essence of the Gospel. The nature of God. A paradox of mercy, grace, and justice that will only be possible in the miraculous incarnation and sacrifice of the Messiah. That is how we can experience Godās presence in our lives; a restored relationship with Holy God as forgiven and redeemed sinners.
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