The 27th Best Films


To Catch a Thief (1955) 
Hitchcock’s thrilling romantic comedy with a cat-burglar twist. It doesn’t necessarily have as many of the technical flourishes or meaning that some other of his films do, but it is one of my favorites for a fun time.


The Princess Bride (1987) 
A celebration of story and story-telling. This is one of the more quotable movies of my generation. And it never gets old.


Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) 
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017) 
What is so great about these Marvel films is that they break out of the superhero mold and introduce a space opera side to that cinematic universe. That is what likely will give us the next decade of Marvel films. They could not have sustained another 20 films in the smaller subgenre. But not only that, this films also explore meaning and use their stories to contemplate much bigger issues.


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