The 25th Best Films


Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) 
From the day I saw this, alone at the age of 8 or nine, late at night in my grandparents’ house—and thinking it was a scary movie that I was brave enough to sit through, it has been among my favorite musicals. And everyone I’ve introduced it to has loved it too.


Edward Sissorhands (1990)
One of the gems produced by Tim Burton. An original, magical, modern fairy-tale that everyone needs to see.


Skyfall (2012) 
Casino Royale (2006) 
Spectre (2015) 
Quantum of Solace (2008) 
When they cast Craig as Bond they made a radical shift for the character, and it was just what the franchise needed. It is also great that they have emphasized continuity more than in the past. M is my favorite Bond girl.


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