The 28th Best Films


The Maltese Falcon (1941) 
Noir at its absolute best. This is the kind of mystery that never gets old. Keeping up with all of the corruption, lies, and red herrings is a fun challenge. And Bogart’s Spade is a classic American antihero who’s trace of scruples in a world of total depravity claw their way through to the end.


A Christmas Story (1983) 
This time of year, we always revisit this film. It is one of two or three that we never miss any Christmas season. A story of nostalgic memories, it has become a part of our collective nostalgia.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) 
One of my favorite films of the current decade, this quirky, heartfelt comedy is a story about overcoming prejudice and snap judgements.


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