
In what has got to be my favorite news story of the year not involving the reality-TV-administration, Payless Shoes just pulled one of the greatest pranks of all time.

They secretly opened a store at an old Armani location, calling themselves “Palessi.” They then proceeded to sell their bargain basement, $30 shoes to fashionistas and trend-setters for hundreds of dollars. In some cases, the mark-up was around 2.000%!

The fashion “experts” can be seen in videos of the event, raving about the wonderful shoes, and commenting on the obvious quality of the materials.

This all goes to show that:

Group think is real and terrible.

In fashion, the emperor really does not have any clothes on.

And, in things like the taste of the herd, there really is no expertise. Sheep just go where the trend-setters tell them to.

Don’t be the herd!


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