Discipleship Instructions (Matthew 10:5-25)

Jesus sends His disciples out to proclaim the message of the Kingdom. This initial mission is to proclaim the Kingdom to the surrounding area; prepare it for Jesus’ earthly ministry. So, this first mission is limited in scope and in its parameters.

But Jesus also prepares His disciples for the ongoing mission they will undertake, and which all subsequent disciples will be given. As they proclaim the Kingdom and meet the needs of people in Galilea, they will later be proclaiming the Kingdom to the whole earth.

This mission will result in persecution and suffering for all, and death for some. Disciples need to be prepared to be questioned about their faith. Not so much prepared for what they will say, but for the questioning itself. It will often be aggressive and violent. But the disciples will be given the right words to say. As His emissaries, they carry His words in His power.

The mission—the life of the disciple—will also divide families, communities, and nations. As some accept, others will reject. And these divisions and promises of hardships are something Jesus’ disciples should expect. They are something we as Jesus’ disciples must expect.


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