29th Best Films


Rosemary’s Baby (1968) Roman Polanski 
One of the best “Am I going crazy” stories in cinema. It really taps into the paranoia of urban life. But then again, it even better taps into the fact that the world is a messed-up place with messed-up people out there.


The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Jonathan Demme 
While on the subject of messed up people, there is no better place to turn than this story of a woman trying to understand the evil side of the human mind so that she can better fight it. It has inspired so much fiction since, but also reminds us of the very real evil that exist all around us.


Inception (2010) Christopher Nolan 
And then there is the movie that threatens your sanity by taking you down multiple layers into the subconscious. My son’s all-time favorite film checks in at 81 on mine.


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