The Response (Exodus 15:1-21)

The natural outpouring of God’s mighty action amongst His people is praise. Moses and the people break out into worship in awe of what YHWH has done. This is why God’s people are people of worship. Not because believers just love to sing. But because in relationship with God, they see God act and can’t help but respond.

That may not be the case so much today. Today people around the world don’t always join in song as a result of God’s action, but because the song itself is good. We sing the same songs the world over. The expressions of other people, other congregations. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Just as we are inspired by what God did in Scripture and the songs that came out of those events (again, in Scripture) we can relate to other people’s praise through the things we experience.

And it doesn’t always have to be in song. Worship is so much more than song. An important aspect of worship is the way believers glorify God by declaring and proclaiming to the world the things He has done and the things He is doing in our lives every day, every week.

Don’t limit your worship to singing the current Top 40 in a huddle on Sunday. Be sure to declare His glory to others during the week as well.


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