The 32nd Best Films


Rope (1948) Alfred Hitchcock

This film is known for its gimmicky approach, but it should be known for its powerful rebuttal of the amorality and intellectual justifications for evil that it displays.


Fright Night (1985) Tom Holland

One of the best vampire films, in the way that it takes the conceit to tell a story about trying to warn society about dangers and truths they don’t want to see. Plus, Roddy McDowell in one of his best roles.


Interstellar (2014) Christopher Nolan

A heavy, somewhat hard to digest, intellectual science fiction. But once you zero in on the story of the sacrificial love of a father for his kids, it works wonderfully.

(Apparently you can find the first two of these films in their entirety on YouTube, as well as the entire soundtrack for Interstellar, which is a treat in itself.)


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