Spread & Share (Exodus 18)

Spread the word and share the load.

I love this chapter. It is an example of what will become a huge pattern in God’s salvation plan. After the events of the Exodus, Jethro hears the news and visits Moses. Moses shares his first hand account of God’s action, and Jethro believes. This is a pattern. God does not just act in history on behalf of His people, He acts on behalf of His glory. And God’s people are tasked with spreading the word. They magnify His glory through their testimony.

Then, once Jethro believes, what does he do? He turns around and teaches Moses a thing or two. Some people just see this as an area of the Bible where God is teaching leadership principles. But that sort of thing—“How To Be a Better CEO!”—is not really what the Bible is about. Sure, there are good principles of delegation here, but we can learn those all over the place.

What I see happening here is something I see over and over again in Scripture and in my own life. Once people believe in God, they have a part to contribute. We might think that Jethro should sit under Moses’ feet and learn about life, even life as God intends it to be lived. But the truth is that we are all on that journey. And more often than not a new believer has something to teach others, even the one who led them to faith.

In New Testament terms, we are not disciples of each other, we are all following the example of Christ.


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