Shut Up and Listen! (Exodus 14)

Our reading of chapter 14 of Exodus is littered with distractions. People argue over the name of the sea where God performed this miracle. (Like it or not, it is the Sea of Reeds in Hebrew, and that fact makes no difference on the story.) We have in our mind’s eye the cinematic interpretations of this event more than the text. And we wonder at the magnitude of the miracle. Even after all the signs that have been performed, we still marvel that God is in control. We are so quick to forget! (As the children of Israel would prove to be as well!)

But this chapter is really a continuation of the pattern that God had been using all along. He tells Moses what He is up to, and even gives him the reasons for His actions. (Wouldn’t we love more of that in our lives!) Then God does exactly as He said He would. Everything plays out according to plan.

And, as He did in previous events, God talks to Moses multiple times and clarifies things every step of the way. That is why—for me—the most amazing sentence in the whole story comes in verse 15. God says to Moses:

“Why are you crying out to me?”

How often are we guilty of that same mistake? When we should be listening to what God is telling us, we are too busy yelling at Him. Trying to make Him aware of what He already knows! While He is with us, guiding us, trying to show us what we need to do, we are not listening. We have our eyes on the problem, our mouths open, and our ears shut.

Sometimes the most difficult part of prayer is the listening.


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