Discipleship and Religion (Matthew 9:14-17)

Even the religious people of Jesus’ day who were not prideful like the Pharisees did not quite get what Jesus was all about. The disciples of John asked why Jesus and His disciples didn’t do religious things like fasting. Jesus’ simple explanation is that it would be inappropriate for them to do something mournful like fasting when He is around. But there is a more far-reaching explanation.

Jesus changed everything religious with His coming. Before, everything was conditional. “If you do what I say, then you will be my people.” Jesus is bringing an entirely different message. “You can’t possibly do enough, so I am doing it all for you.” “Religion” in the new covenant looks completely different from religion in the old. In fact, it doesn’t really look like religion anymore. Instead of sacrifice, we now have steadfast love. Instead of ritual, we now have relationship. Instead of earning God’s favor, we now have unmerited grace.


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