The Narrow Way (7:13-23)

The Sermon on the Mount is all about how to be a part of the Kingdom of God. It is about the humility of knowing we can’t obtain it. It is about the reality that we are totally dependent on God’s grace to be His people. And it is about the fact that, if we want to be a part of God’s people, He is gracious and merciful in allowing us to be forgiven and be members of His family. But, here at the end of the sermon, Jesus gives us one other, disturbing word.

Few people will ever be a part of God’s Kingdom. The majority of humanity prefers to go their own way; to rebel against God’s will. Most of us think we know best. The “wide way” in life is the way of our own will. Very few ever look to God, repent of their own pride, and submit to His way. (vv.13,14)

Beyond the people that simply never turn to God, there are two groups of people that Jesus highlights that make this even more dire a situation: false teachers and leaders, and people who confuse their religion with God’s way.

The former are “wolves” working actively against God. They pretend to be His people but in reality, they are teaching people false ideas and leading people away from God’s word and His ways. Once again, being a part of the wider path, there are more of these people than you might think, or hope. To not be on guard against such people is simply foolish. (vv.15-20)

The most tragic figures are those who think they are on the right track but aren’t. But remember, these are not people who truly desire to do what God wants. Everything else in this message from Jesus tells us that genuine people trusting God for their salvation will not be rejected. The people in this group are those who express their prideful rejection of God religiously. They do not trust in God, but rather in their own ideas of righteousness. They are like the people Jesus was speaking against when He said our righteousness must exceed theirs. And that, not in that we are better than them, but that we are relying on Christ’s perfection and not our own. In the Kingdom, we do not serve God on our terms, but His. (vv.21-23)


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