The Foundational Choice (Matthew 7:24-29)

Jesus concludes His sermon on the Kingdom of Heaven with a parable. People have a choice: listen to His words or follow one of the other many siren voices in the world.

It’s not really even as complicated as that may sound. But it is more specific. Jesus is not saying, “Believe in God or don’t.” His audience did believe in God, in YHWH. They wanted to please His Father.

Jesus is telling us that we need to follow His words, and not any other ideological system developed by man. Many will tell you they know the way to pleasing God. The question is, does there way line up with what Jesus says?

Is it all about trusting God and not our own efforts? Is it all about allowing Him to help us live the life of righteousness that He wants us to live? Is it all about resting in the knowledge that God is in control? Is it about listening to what God’s word says and not what we think?


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