The 36th Best Films


City Lights (1931) Charlie Chaplin 
Many consider “Citizen Cane” the best film of all time. Its maker prefers “City Lights.” It is a funny, entertaining film, but the final scene is outstanding.


The Fifth Element (1997) Luc Besson 
If Lucas and Co. were the most visionary filmmakers working in “Space Opera,” then Luc Besson is a close second with this film. Unfortunately, he didn’t duplicate the success with later attempts. But, then again, neither did Lucas.


Zootopia (2016) Byron Howard and Rich Moore 
Getting away from troubling princess messages, (as the Studio has increasingly done since Pixar took over) this film is well-thought out and entertaining. It is thought provoking too, with a needed message in the era of resurgent nationalism and racism. (Not that the metaphor entirely works. You have to come to it at a child-level.)


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