Resolving a Childhood Mystery Memory

Being back in the States for a spell, I have access to something I don’t have in Germany: classic, American television. There is a whole channel that plays nothing but old stuff from my childhood and way before my day. (I’m surprised at how good some of the writing was in the old Westerns!)

When I saw that “The Jeffersons” was on, it reminded me of a vivid, childhood memory.

When I was a kid, there were a few years where we did away with TV all together. So, when I would go to my grandparents’ house I would consume as much as I could. And, the last few weeks before we moved overseas were a Marathon of TV viewing. Three shows in particular, left me on cliffhangers that I never got to see resolved. Matt Houston had Houston at gunpoint. Happy Days had the gang overnighting in a funeral home. But, The Jeffersons was the best.

It was a Halloween episode where—Rear Window style—Louise sees a murder committed by a man dressed up as a bunny. (If you know me, you know that the scariest bit of that plotline is the bunny costume.)

So, imagine my delight when I noticed a couple weeks ago that that very pair of episodes were to air this week! I even set a reminder. More than anything, I was curious to see how much my memory would have improved the episode over the years.

Sure enough, it was nowhere near as interesting or scary as I remembered. The bunny costume was totally different (and scarier) in my mind’s eye.

Tomorrow will reveal what it was that I missed in Part 2…


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