Remember (Exodus 12)

There are a few big moments in Exodus. You have the parting of the sea. You have the ten words. But before those you have the biggest moment—arguably THE exodus itself—the Passover. We finally get there here in chapter 12. It is the longest chapter for the most momentous event.

And then you notice, it all happens in one verse. Verse 29 is the moment. We don’t get the longest chapter with the most words with much of any devoted to the event. There aren’t any gory details. So how is this the longest chapter?

It is all in the command to remember—to commemorate. God instructs Moses and Aaron in the ceremony at great length. Then we get a repeat as Moses and Aaron tell the people what God said. And after all is said and done and the people have left their slavery, we get a whole lot about how they will continue to carry out the commemoration throughout the generations.

You get the idea that God wants this moment to be remembered.

There is a lot of value in ceremony and tradition when it is done not as empty, forgotten ritual, but rather as a means to never forget what God has done. And the substitutionary death of the Passover lamb is something that God wants remembered. It is going to come into play in an even bigger way in salvation history when we get to the work of the Messiah.

So, remember the things that God has done—in history and in your own life. Commemorate His works and never forget!


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