Redemption (Exodus 13)

In chapter 13 of Exodus we get a new word that will be hugely important for the rest of the story of salvation: Redemption.

YHWH instructs the children of Israel that all first-born now belong to Him. Israel were spared the judgement delivered on the Egyptians, but now the life of those spared, first-born animals and children are God’s. So, every first-born lamb will now be sacrificed. However, children (and donkeys as unclean animals) are not to be sacrificed. God has and will condemn child sacrifice. Instead of sacrificing them, a lamb is sacrificed in their place. That is redemption.

And this too is what we have seen happen in the Passover event. When the families sacrificed a lamb and covered their doorway, they were passed over in judgement. The life of the lamb paid for—covered—the life of any first-born in those homes. This imagery is going to be one of them metaphors that will be used again and again to illustrate what God has done to redeem humanity.

Just as Israel was saved from the slavery in Egypt through a mighty act of redemption from God, all humanity can be saved from the slavery to sin through the mighty act of God—the sacrifice of the Lamb of God—redeeming us.

And, it is no accident that we see this concept immediately followed by the redeemed people being led through the wilderness by God. The life of the redeemed is one of following God’s leadership as Lord for the rest of that redeemed life and into eternity.


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