The 42nd Best Films


Yojimbo (1961) Akira Kurosawa 
Sanjuro (1962) Akira Kurosawa 
There are a couple Kurosawa films yet to come on this list, and a couple “must sees” that I haven’t yet, but this is my go to of his stories. I watch Yojimbo more than any other of his stories because it is so entertaining. And yet it is also deeply moving and informing.


The Sting (1973) George Roy Hill 
I need to do an in depth piece on this story someday. It is my favorite Newman/Redford film. I love heist stories and con stories, and movies that make you think you are in on everything when you’re not. And as far as I can tell, this one doesn’t cheat either.


Wo Hu Cang Long (2000) Ang Lee 

Another film that needs more thought on this blog. It is among the best of its decade, and probably should have won the Best Picture.


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