Eyes, Treasures, and Idols (Matthew 6:22-24)

But, of course it isn’t just the illusion of security and control that “treasure” tempts us with. It is the appeal it makes to our eyes. And there we find that not only money is our treasure. People will devote their lives to the widest range of treasures.

“One man’s junk, is another man’s treasure,” the saying goes. And we find here that one man’s junk is another man’s god.

What do I devote my time, energy, and money pursuing? What do I serve? Even if it is not the security that the trust of money brings us, where we devote our lives shows us what or who we serve.

And as Jesus points out here, you can’t serve God, the Creator of the Universe and Lord of life the way that He demands and deserves, while serving other gods as well.


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