Three Thoughts on Exodus Chapter 3 (3:1-22)


One of the most striking lines in the story of the calling of Moses is in verse 4: “When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see…” We do not know how long the bush burned before it aroused Moses’ curiosity. One presumes some time must have passed in order for it to be remarkable. How many people would have simply passed by; either never noticing, or thinking it was strange but doing no more. What if Moses had not turned? God did not confront Moses; He simply appeared on the horizon and waited.

That is the way God presents Himself and His calling to most people. How open are we? How curious?


Another fascinating phrase is in verse 8: “I have come down to deliver them…” Moses’ calling was not to deliver his people. God did that. Moses was more like the spokesman. He declared God’s message and provided the context for all of the many acts of God that occurred.

That too is the way God works today. His people are called to testify, to highlight what God is doing in the world when so many people miss His activity and presence in their world. He is there on the horizon, and they just walk on by. He is active in their lives drawing people to Himself and they are deaf and blind. Who are we? God is with us, giving us signs to show the world. We exist to point to Him.


Of course, the most remarkable aspect of Exodus 3 is the revelation of God’s name. God has many names that describe His character throughout Scripture, but YHWH is His proper name. When Moses is given this name, it impacts the rest of history. YHWH is the same God He has always been, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but this new name reveals so much. He is. He is active in history. He is going to do exactly as He wants. He is going to act in creation to accomplish His purpose. None can stand against Him. And here in chapter 3, He lays out exactly what is about to happen.

And YHWH is the same today. He is active in creation. He is accomplishing His purpose. He hears our cries. He invites us to join Him. He has told us how His plan is going to play out. Are we going to turn to Him, answer His call, be a part of His plan?


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