The 43rd Best Films


The Godfather (1972) Francis Ford Coppola 
The Godfather 2 (1974) Francis Ford Coppola 

I don’t really get the appeal of gangster movies, but this is the best of the bunch. And, I think it does have a lot to say about U.S. culture and mentality. Back when I wrote about it before, I asked if we were truly as prone to embrace evil for a misplaced good aim. To empower a “Godfather” like person if it could seem to benefit us. Seems we may have been after all.


The Last of the Mohicans (1992) Michael Mann 
Another story that gets at what it means to be American by looking at our roots. This “independence with value” can be us at our most noble. And this is Mann’s most beautiful film.


Warm Bodies (2013) Jonathan Levine 
I think this little teen-horror-romance is way smarter than it deserves to be. It is a powerful metaphor, as all the best zombie stories end up being.



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