Overcome Evil with Meekness, Not Retribution (Matthew 5:38-42)

Or: Pursue Love, not Justice

The law that Jesus cites here is not the idea that would leave the whole world blind as the cliché declares. In the Old Testament the law limited retaliation to a measured response from the authorities. It was a limitation intending to prevent revenge from individuals that would escalate evil.

Jesus—as in the case of murder and adultery—takes things a step further. While the authorities in this world may enact just punishment for crimes and evil, in the Kingdom of Heaven, individuals fight evil with meekness. Instead of fighting fire with fire and engaging in evil violence in response to evil, we respond with love, with meekness, with passive resistance.

Jesus will continue to teach His followers that the path He is leading them down is one that will cost them. It is one that will lead to suffering in this world. But, He also showed us that the true resistance—the true defeat of evil—involves suffering. It is the way of sacrifice.


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