Top Movies 53-55 in Brief

55. Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) 
This clever spoof of the vampire genre marks a transition from the modern stories like those of the Universal films of the 30s and 40s, as well as the Hammer Films’ version from the 60s, to the darker, less optimistic, post-modern stories to come later. Evil is real, but not easily confronted. And despite the satirical take, it is a serious thing to consider.

55. Young Frankenstein (1974) 
Another comedic reference to the horror films gone by, specifically in this case: “Son of Frankenstein.” It is comedic genius, probably Brooks’ best, but stil considers the themes of the Frankenstein mythos.

55. Serenity (2005) 
A fun cinematic follow up to a solid series, Serenity seems to work for those who didn’t see the show just as well. It has excitement, witty dialogue, good effects and world-building. It’s political satire is good, but seems to fall into a typical sci-fi trap (most often seen in Trek) that wants to claim that life without the sin of rebellion isn’t worth living.

54. Frankenstein (1931) 
The age-old myth that the creature can’t supplant the creator is wonderfully played out in this excellent Universal Masterpiece.

54. The Great Muppet Caper (1981) 
This is the absolute best of the many charming Muppet movies.

54. Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014) 
     Captain America: Civil War (2016) 
     Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) 
Of the many sub-series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Captain America trilogy is amongst the best. They all have solid stories with excellent messages.

53. Bringing Up Baby (1938) 

Howard Hawks’ is the best of screw-ball comedies.

53. Karate Kid (1984)
This is the story that inspired every picked-on teen of the eighties, and somehow—even as a Rocky-like fighting movie—managed to teach us that retaliation is not the way to go.

53. Ponyo (2008) 
Ponyo has some of the most amazing hand-drawn animation ever put to film. The story and its message are not quite all there, but as a work of visual art it is amongst the best.


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