Star Trek Discovery: Fear

Star Trek Discovery was a hotly debated show. First off, it was held hostage to force people to pay for CBS’s pay-per-view service in the States. But it also offended Trek fans with inconsistencies to their precious continuity. It offended fans of family friendly television with needless sex and language. It offended some men with too many female characters. But, taken for what it is, it was mostly smart Trek.

And Trek, at its best takes a look at the culture of its day and comments on it. And this show really addresses the biggest issue of our day: nationalism swallowed by the masses who are whipped up into a frenzy with fear.

In the show, the classic Trek enemy—the Klingons—nearly take over the entirety of known space. And, in an effort to save the universe for freedom, Star Fleet is prepared to (also nearly) annihilate the race. It seems logical. It seems an acceptable sacrifice of values. But, it is also a denial of everything Star Fleet stands for. (i.e. humanity)

In a voice over in the season finale, the main character tells a story of a general and a soldier on the night before their first battle. The general warns the soldier that he will face the worst enemy: fear. The soldier asks the general how he will recognize fear and then, how he can defeat it.

"The only way to defeat fear is to tell it 'No'." No - we will not take shortcuts on the path to righteousness. No - we will not break the rules that protect us from our basest instincts. No - we will not allow desperation to destroy moral authority.

Those are words the nations of the world, and at the very least, the believers in those nations, need to hear today.


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