Exodus: Outline

What follows is my working outline of Exodus, that I will use as I work my way through the book commenting.

I. Salvation: God Saves Israel from Egyptian Bondage (1:1-18:27)

A. Israel in Egypt (1:1-11:10)
     1. Israel Before Moses (1:1-22)
     2. The Early Life of Moses (2:1-25)
     3. Meeting with God (3:1-4:31)
     4. The Confrontation of Pharaoh (5:1-11:10)

B. The Exodus to Sinai (12:1-18:27)
     1. The Passover and Escape (12:1-13:22)
     2. Crossing the Sea (14:1-31)
     3. The Song of Triumph (15:1-21)
     4. Israel in the Wilderness (15:22-18:27)

II. Worship: Israel at Sinai (19:1-40:38)

A. God Gives Israel His Law (19:1-24:18)
     1. The Preparation for the Covenant (19:1-25)
     2. The Ten Words (20:1-17)
     3. The Book of the Covenant (20:18-23:33)
     4. The Covenant Ratified (24:1-18)

B. God Commands Israel to Build the Tabernacle (25:1-40:38)
     1. Covenant Worship (25:1-31:18)
     2. Rebellion and Atonement (32:1-33:23)
     3. The Renewed Covenant (34:1-35)
     4. Carrying Out God’s Instructions (35:1-39:43)

C. The Consecration of the Tabernacle (40:1-38)


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