Mama's Journal

After my grandmother passed away last week, they found an entry in her journal from 19 years ago where she mentioned me. It was my birthday, and she was working her way through “My Utmost for His Highest.”

I had that devotional years ago, but don’t know if I ever made it all the way through. I certainly didn’t remember what the entry was for my birthday. But seeing the entry now, I am a little pleasantly surprised to see how what Chambers wrote back then applies to my life’s calling. It is worth checking out if you have a copy.

But more encouraging is to see the way that my grandmother prayed for me. She always told us that she prayed for all of us daily by name. And we didn’t doubt it one bit. But now I see that it was likely much more than a laundry list of names she recited each day. It is an encouragement and an example at which to aim for my own life.


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