Genesis Conclusion

Genesis is the foundational chapter in the overarching epic of salvation. In it we find all the building blocks for the biblical worldview. Reality is the creation of the all-powerful, sovereign Creator. He made everything that is, designing it to the home and responsibility of the pinnacle of His creation: humanity. But He also created humanity for a relationship with Him, and to make that relationship possible, He gave humanity the choice to live as He intended or to go their own way. Humanity chose rebellion; warping creation and destroying the relationship.

But God did not scrap His project. He set about to redeem it. It is also here in Genesis where we see the building blocks of God’s plan of redemption. God begins His plan by selecting people who will respond to Him in trust and He begins to bless them and work through them and others, shaping the events of humanity’s history. Genesis shows us God’s continued sovereignty, as He uses flawed people to achieve His ends—for even though humanity lost its free will in their rebellion and are now slaves to their sin nature and destined to fail in all their endeavors; God still works through the choices that people make.

Genesis ends by showing us how God orchestrated the arrival of His chosen people in Egypt; both saving them from starvation and setting up their slavery and need for divine rescue. And THAT rescue story will serve as the greatest example of God’s mission in the Old Testament; what it always looks back to even as it points ahead to the rescue of creation at the cross. We need Genesis to make sense of the Exodus, and the rest of salvation history.


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