Lessons from Pharaoh's Dreams (Genesis 41)

A few thoughts jump to mind reading this pivotal chapter in Joseph’s life:

I’m glad God doesn’t primarily communicate through dreams. It is a wonderful luxury to have God’s message in written form. To know Him and His ways unambiguously is wonderful. It sure beats having to remember and then interpret dreams! Of course, there is interpretation involved in God’s Word too, but centuries of millions of believers doing that allow us to say that we have the most important teachings preserved.

All of the hard times in Joseph’s life didn’t just serve to get him into the right place at the right time. They prepared him for the task God had planned for him as well. And we see here and in the story to follow that Joseph had learned the right teachings. Instead of righting all the wrongs in his personal life and using his power for revenge, he does a good job of the task at hand and saves countless lives around the known world of his day. And, he does not permit himself to be seen as gifted or special, he remembers where the true insight comes form and gives all glory to God.

Despite the first point, I also see here that God is at work and active in planning things around me. He speaks to people all the time, even those who do not know Him. A big part of God’s plan involves me be ready and available to help other see what God is saying, and to help them hear His voice clearly.


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