"I Don't Feel at Home in this World Anymore" (2017)

This little independent crime dramedy feels like a movie out of time in many ways. It is dark, potty-mouthed, and pessimistic but funny, like Tarantino’s early stuff. And yet, it is also very much of its time.

Centering on a woman who is frustrated and depressed at the world around her. When she gets pushed over the edge she decides to take matter into her own hands. Surely she can do a better job to right the wrongs (at least as they impact her directly) in society than the authorities can, right?

Things quickly get out of hand. It turns out, she is more motivated than the authorities so she does have success at first. But she is dealing with truly evil people and is in no way prepared to face the problems she is uncovering. She’ll probably get people killed and might not even survive herself.

In a Zeitgeist like ours today, where people want to take power in their own hands and solve the problems they see at any cost—be it people who thought it would be good to put an unqualified huckster into power because he said the right things, or those wanting to burn the whole country down to unseat him—this is at once an outlet for frustration and a very cautionary tale.


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