Teenagers in the House

Today begins a window of time in our lives that is going to be small, but it is one we have been anticipating for a long time. For the next 58 days we will have four teenagers in the house! Having spent over a decade working with teens as a youth minister, we knew we might be in for some trouble. However, we have been tremendously blessed.

We would have never experienced this if we had not moved overseas. But we convinced our oldest to take a gap-year so that we could deliver two off to college at once, and that has afforded us extra time with our first-born.

So, it will be an interesting 8+weeks. But it has all been overshadowed with a different anticipation—or dread. The reality that we are about to turn half of our kids loose into adulthood is hitting us hard. Hopefully it too will be a case of reality being better than we fear. But the anticipation is not as bad as we had thought it would be. It is worse, far worse.


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