Salvation or Judgement (Revelation 14)

Here, right before the bowls of God’s wrath are poured out, we get a quick mixture of several brief visions, snippets of the key message John’s Revelation is conveying to readers throughout time.

We see the followers of the Messiah, we see angels making universal pronouncements, and we see the earth being harvested at the end of all things.

The contrast is clear and unambiguous. People are on one of two sides in the end. Either they are with God and His Messiah, or they are with the beasts and Babylon. With the Creator or against Him. It is that simple.

The simple truth is that the plethora of positions and opinions of man against the creator all amount to the same thing: rebellion. We think we are choosing our own way. That is the lie that was presented to us in the garden. In reality, we are slaves to the rebellious system of the world—as John presents it—that which has set itself up against the creator. It is not “our way” but rather we are led by the nose into destruction when we choose to go against God.

The choice—and there is one—is to turn away from “our way” and embrace the joy of doing things that way we were created to do them. To live life as God designed it to be lived. That is seen in the new song that can only be learned by those who are redeemed. We can sing the song that we were designed, tuned, to sing.


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