Top Movies 98-100 in Brief

100. “The Avengers” (2012) 
The achievement here is the way Marvel successfully reinvented the Hollywood Blockbuster, bringing several character franchises together into a super-series.

100. “The Living Daylights” (1987) 
Rescuing Bond from the self-parody it had become under the Moore era. Too bad the next installment lost its way and Dalton didn’t get to interpret Bond further. It would be 20 years before the character got a serious take again.

100. “Cat Balloo” (1965) 
This was the start of an era of funny westerns in the 60s that I really like.

99. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
This is one of the best action blockbusters of all time, and a part of one of the best trilogies of all time.  More in depth to come...

99. “The Witches” (1990)
I love Dahl’s crazy, silly, scary vision of children’s lit. This one’s reach is bigger than its grasp, but it still works wonderfully.

99. “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” (1962) 
I love this subversive take on the Western mythos. It deserves a deeper examination at some point.

98. “Gladiator” (2000) 
This one seems to have fallen out of favor, but it is still a powerful story with amazing cinematography and the soundtrack is one of the best of the decade.

98. “Home Alone” (1990) 
Yes, this is a cartoon, and a dangerous one by today’s standards. But it is one of the most rewatchable comedies every filmed. I just wish Kevin got a little of what was coming to him.

98. “Spellbound” (1945) 
The way the artistic elite was obsessed with Freud’s ideas came to a head in this silly but fun yarn. I like the surrealism.


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