Sexual Power Balance

It wasn’t all that long ago that the world was having a collective laugh over Vice President Pence’s “backwards” accountability standards. It was unthinkable to everyone that a grown man didn’t have permission (from his wife or himself, that didn’t seem to matter) to be alone with another woman. But people who hold to that standard—a standard that was not uncommon or strange a couple generations ago—would be having the last laugh if anyone cared to remember all the outcry.

Instead, a new outcry has arisen. And, for once, the zeitgeist has it right. Men (and a few women) are being decried, fired, and in many cases prosecuted for sexual abuse of power.

Ever since the sexual revolution’s rejection of standards and “outdated” rules regarding sexuality and committed relationships women, families, and society at large have suffered. The new intolerant attitude in society towards powerful sexual predators is a welcome and healthy step back in the right direction.

But, balance is a tricky endeavor. Will the women of the #metoo movement guard the integrity they need to weed out the evil they are fighting? Recent accusations against men who engaged in consensual sexual encounters raise concerns. And how long will it be before innocent men are accused and will they be treated as innocent until proven guilty?

The best way forward for society is to rediscover a respect and reverence for sexual relationships to be kept within the lifelong committed relationship of marriage. But will Pence’s “outdated” standards be recognized as wisdom after all? Or does our society want to try to find the way to have their cake and eat it too?


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