Isaac's Death (Genesis 35)

Chapter 35 wraps up the Jacob story in Genesis. It is not the end of him, but we are about to go through another genealogical interlude and proceed into Joseph’s story. Jacob will still play a roll. However, the way we wrap up Jacob’s story is with a lot of endings, a lot of death.

Isaac dies. In all likelihood, he actually lived long enough to see the loss of Joseph, but his death is mentioned here to bring this section to a close. Other deaths are also reported. Rebekah’s nurse and, more impactfully, Rebekah herself dies in childbirth. The last action we read about here at the end of Jacob’s story, however, is his return (finally) to his father’s land. This is something that he had been commanded by God to do long before this. And his delay had caused a lot of pain and suffering, both for his family and the surrounding people.

When God again tells him to move on, he orders his family to cleanse their lives and get right with God. Yet another reminder of the fact that God is dealing with broken, sinful, and mistake ridden people to accomplish His divine plan to redeem creation.


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