
When I scan across
      the walls of social medium
I am struck by the
      sweetness, sugar, and perfection
With soundtracks cliché
      off-tune, melodic tedium
Where is the
      un-orchestrated, humdrum, direction?

Like a picture post-
      card cottage by the calmest sea
Like a sunset of
      the most perfect calm pinkish hue
Everyone screams “Eat
      your heart out and wish you were me!”
Filters in place
      remove every shade of saddest blue

Wipe away all the
      schmaltz and syrup and what remains?
Refreshing and real
      good with bad, a work of fine art
Ridges and brush strokes
      full colors with grey and black stains
No mere two-
      dimensional pastel, but life with heart

(Poetry Scales 66)  


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