"Get Out" (2017)

Jordan Peele’s surprising horror film “Get Out” is shaping up to be one of the most talked about, entertaining films of the year. It is a creative, original, thoughtful, horror film. And it happens to touch on issues of race.

And that is part of what makes it so good. It is not, ultimately, a movie about race. It is never preachy. It doesn’t take such a simplistic approach. But it is one of the best studies of continuing racism in the post-Obama world. The whole time one is trying to figure out what is going on, it is evident and uncomfortable the way racism is dominating the undercurrent.

The fact that the reveal is so unexpected (and original and creative) makes everything that much better. That, and it also plays into an idea that I have bought into for some time now—that the best horror is ultimately a Warner Brother’s Looney Tunes premise.

People have been trying to declare America’s race problem “resolved” for decades. When Obama was elected, many thought that that was indeed the sign of the end to our troubles. But all it really seemed to do was awaken and exasperate all of the well-hidden hatred people had been nurturing. It isn’t that racism is worse following the Obama years; it is just more vocal. Films like “Get Out” could be an important part of the national conversation.

As always, this is a horror movie with all of the potentially offensive and disturbing content, so be warned.


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