The Father's Love (1 John 3:1-2)

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.

Having told his readers how to walk in the lightā€”i.e. live in their relationship with the Creator of the universe in a manner pleasing to Himā€”John prepares to double back and instruct them from a different perspective. Namely, how to relate to the Creator as heavenly Father. First, he reminds us of that quality of God. He is not just holy and good. He is also our loving Father. More than the light analogy, this picture of God reminds us of the amazing Gospel plan of God.

F.F. Bruce reflects on this aspect of Johnā€™s message in his commentary:

ā€œā€¦Genesis 3 tells how man, not content with the true likeness to God which was his by creation, grasped at the counterfeit likeness held out as the tempterā€™s bait: ā€˜you will be like God, knowing good and evilā€™. In consequence, things most unlike God manifested themselves in human life: hatred, darkness and death in place of love, light and life. The image of God in man was sadly defaced. Yet Godā€™s purpose was not frustrated; instead, the fall itself, with its entail of sin and death, was overruled by God and compelled to become an instrument in the furtherance of His purpose.

In the fullness of time the image of God, undefaced by disobedience to His will, reappeared on earth in the person of His Son. In Jesus the love, light and life of God were manifested in opposition to hatred, darkness and death. With His crucifixion it seemed that hatred, darkness and death had won the day, and that Godā€™s purpose, which had survived the fall, was now effectively thwarted. But instead, the cross of Jesus proved to be Godā€™s chosen instrument for the fulfilment of His purpose.ā€ 

That is the mindset with which we embark on the second half of 1 Johnā€¦


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