The Gospel Message: Christ Paid for Sin (1 John 2:1,2)

Lest we despair in the third false claim that John rejects, he offers us here too a joyful hope.

In 1:6,7 John contrasted claiming to be a Christian while living in sin with real fellowship as seen in living as God desires.

In 1:8,9 John contrasted the claims of those who said they were good enough for the Christian life with real fellowship as seen in self-awareness and seeking God’s forgiveness.

In 1:10 John said that a denial of guilt was a lie. Now here in the first verses of chapter 2, he reminds us of the Gospel:

For all who do sin, and are aware of that sin, and their need for forgiveness, Jesus is an advocate before God’s judgement. He is their propitiation--which is to say that He has paid the penalty for their sin. The punishment has been delivered and paid, and we can be declared righteous in His righteousness. Jesus offers this to the whole of humanity. All that is asked of us is to trust Him to be our advocate and propitiation. Unfortunately, what we saw in the three false claims John highlighted is that not all will turn to Jesus.

However, that is a theme of 1 John. We share the truth of the Gospel to everyone so that they at least have a chance to accept fellowship with God. In a world of “post-truth” we offer truth. Not judgement; no holier-than-thou condemnation. Not information; no facts that we have simply memorized and know. Simple witness; sharing what we know to be true because we have lived it. Even the accounts of other witnesses like John can be shared with confidence because we have experienced the Word of Life for ourselves.


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