NonModernBlog in 2016

Blogging was more of a challenge this year than others. Coming up with things to write about, and finding the time to engage with the culture was tough. Plus, the topic that dominated culture in 2016 was not my cup of tea.

Breaking things down into my most touched on categories, five emerge:

Bible 41%

Film 24%

Politics 16%

Poetry 13%

Television 12%

(Yes, that adds up to more than 100%, but some posts delve into more than one category.)

The following 20 posts are a selection of the most read ones this year:

On Living Cross-Culturally:

Ten Years

Culture Shock Thoughts

Bible Issues:

Genesis Introductory Issues: Structure

The Tragedy of Unbelief

A Cautionary Word Regarding the Word: Day

Avoid Distractions Genesis


Dear Stampeding Herd,

My President

A Political Beef

The Frustrating Math of American Politics


2015 in Film

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

O Brother Where Art Thou?


Communication Comedones

Y Counts



Quantum Leap


Doctor Who

X Files


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