That's All I Have To Say About That

What is the guiding principle of a believer’s life? I can only speak for myself, but the way I read scripture it is fairly simple. I exist to glorify God. Everything I do should reflect his character, his love, his mission of reconciliation in the world. Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with my God. Exercise trust in Him and his ways, love towards others, and stand strong in the hope I have in Christ.

How does God’s mission to change hearts and minds in this fallen world work? God makes it clear in his Word that He wants to use the witness of His people to effect change. Not or ability to force change through military might or political prowess. Of course God is sovereign and will use the powers that be in this world to accomplish His purposes, but our role is to glorify God and make his glories known. It is our character, our behavior and our story that will change the world, not our legislative prowess or our ability to pharisaically impose our morality on unchanged hearts.

A lie has tried to convince us that God’s plan to save humanity goes through the institutions of mankind. And it is a more insidious lie that has tried to make us believe that our well-being as followers of Jesus lies in the protection of those human institutions. In fact, Jesus teaches His followers that the institutions of human culture will hate us and that we should expect persecution from the world—not salvation or protection.

I believe that is what Dr. Mohler is talking about when he tells the Wall Street Journal:

“Far too many evangelicals have set themselves up for a humiliating embarrassment by serving as apologists for Donald Trump. The moral credibility of evangelical Christians is on the line, and it is of far greater value than any election.”

So, as a follower of Jesus my path is clear. I will not be coerced into voting for either of the two major party candidates. Come November 9th, no matter who wins this contest, Christ will still be King on His throne. He is who I will answer to, and He will remain unsurprised at the outcome and in charge of the paths of nations. I know that my voice would have no impact on the outcome and that no one who wins can thwart a single part of God’s plan for our nation.

But I also know that I could not stand before my King and justify supporting either major party candidate in this race. I’ll be proud to know that I didn’t contribute to either nightmare option; then I will go back to making a much bigger contribution than a single vote every four years: living every single day influencing culture with faith, love and hope.


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