3 Teens Is Scary, But Not the Way I Expected...

There is a sometimes horrific aspect to the passage of time.

It seems like just yesterday I was coming to the realization that I would experience this, but it seemed so far off. We were going to have three teen-agers in the house. (And way off down the road, for nearly two months in 2018, we will have four!) Now it is hear and where did the time go?

Sometimes I get a little panicky when I realize that in another mere blink of an eye I will start sending kids out into the world. My ever so brief phase of parenting will be gone. This is the adulthood that I looked forward to as a kid. I always wanted to be a dad. And I am sure being a father to adults will have its moments, but it won’t compare. Especially when I face the likelihood that my kids will live half a world away.

So I am ever more aware that the next few short years are so very limited and must be experienced with full consciousness and participation, taking advantage of every moment.

And even that won’t be enough.


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