Loving is Doing (John 14:15-31)

“If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.”

This statement comes on the heels of Jesus telling his followers that they will do greater things then He has done, and that whatever they ask in his name, it will be done. Jesus’ point in this part of his last minute teaching is all about the demonstration of their love for Him through doing what He taught them. And about the supernatural help they would receive to understand and keep his word.

In order to do greater things, they would need power. And it is important to understand that being given whatever is asked for in Jesus name did not grant the ability to manipulate God or accomplish their own agenda. As followers and disciples of the King, they are given power to advance the King’s agenda.

The same applies to us as followers of the King today. There is a huge difference between claiming to be a Christian as some sort of religious worldview that “believes” a story, and someone who truly follows Jesus as Lord. Jesus Himself in this Gospel of John repeatedly distinguished between an understanding that He could improve our condition, and the true trust that leads to new life.

If we love Him, we will keep his word—we will follow his commands.

That is the key difference between the world and Jesus’ people. If we belong to Him, we hear His word and we do what He commands. And that is not a case of better understanding or a greater ability to hear. It is thanks entirely to God Himself.

Jesus taught us that when He left; He sent the Holy Spirit—the Helper—to teach us and remind us of everything He taught. To enlighten us to all Jesus’ commands. This is why Jesus’ people are able to know Him and the world can’t even begin to see Him. On our own, we are helpless.

But surrendered to Jesus, we have the help we need—beyond our own abilities—to do what God wants. And doing is loving.


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