
Showing posts from May, 2016

Quantum Leap Rewatch (Episodes 37-42)

"Burn the Witch" by Radiohead

Light and Judgement (John 12:20-50)

"Up and Up" by Coldplay

Reading the Coens "Barton Fink"


Responses (John 12:1-19)

Quantum Leap Rewatch (Episodes 31-36)

The Rhythm (Genesis 2:1-3)

"Ain't No Man" The Avett Brothers

The Tragic Irony of the Status Quo (John 11:45-57)

Quantum Leap Rewatch (Episodes 25-30)

"Regression" (2015)

Blessing (Genesis 1:28-31)

Just another Day

"No Escape" (2015)

The Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-44)

Reading the Coens: "Fargo"


An Important Aspect of the Image (Genesis 1:26, 27)

Nine Years of NonModern

Assurance in True Trust (John 10:22-42)