2015 in Film

I still have a few to see before I really put a pin in 2015 (including some on my laptop) but here are the films of 2015 as I see them so far:  (Updated 4/1/16)

Films I liked, but that don’t think will be in the Top Ten: 
Mr. Holmes; Sicario; Ant-Man; Spectre

Top 10: 

10. The Intern

9. It Follows 

Falls apart eventually, but a new creative take on horror as a morality play.

8. The Martian 

Yes, it is just Castaway in space, but also a great scifi.

7. Crimson Peak 

A fun cautionary-tale with creepy ghosts thrown in to scare you, even though they may not be the danger.

6. Mad Max: Fury Road 

Another cinematic development, even if the story gets lost in all the visual amazement.

5. The Peanuts Movie

4. Star Wars: The Force Awakens 

A reworking of the original that seems to not commit as many sins as the prequels. Actually it is quite good if you can forgive the millennial, Darth Vader wannabe.

3. What We Do In the Shadows 

A comedy-satire that works really well.

2. Bridge of Spies

An amazing story of conviction.

1. Inside Out 

2015 seems to be a year where filmmakers found new, amazing ways to use the medium. In this case, they even manage to deliver powerful, insightful meaning.

Worst 5: 

-5. Mortdecai 

This could have been intelligent funny, instead it was just crass.

-4. Minions 

You shouldn’t make a whole movie based on throw-away, background material.

-3. Pitch Perfect 2 

A cash-in if I ever saw one. No soul.

-2. Blackhat 

Action, mystery, spy stories should never be boring.

-1. Knock Knock 

First film I have walked out on in over twenty years. And I was only there because it was a sneak-peak screening.

Still Need to See: 

Bridge of Spies (Seen, see above)
The Hateful Eight
The Revenant
The Big Short
Knight of Cups
The Good Dinosaur (Seen, ranked around 17)


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