Book Find: Frohe Weihnachten: Gedichte und Gedanken zum Fest

One of the many reasons for preferring traditional, “real” books to mere electronic data on a reader is the artwork. And I understand that pictures can be transmitted electronically as well, but I somehow like nice artwork more on paper.

The story of this latest Book Find starts with a Christmas ornament. My wife and I have had a long-standing tradition of adding one ornament to our tree each year. Ever since our kids have come along we have done the same for them. Early in our marriage before we had kids we occasionally picked a Hallmark ornament. I know, that is so cheap and commercial, right? But one year, Cheryl fell in love with one of those Hallmark ones with a rabbit next to a watering can. It has always been one of her favorite ones.

Fast forward to this year. We were in a bookstore (as usual) and Cheryl found a book of Christmas poems with wonderful illustrations. One reminded us a lot of her favorite little ornament. After buying the book and looking into the illustrator, we discovered that there was no coincidence at work. The illustrator’s name is also on the bottom of the ornament!

Turns out, Marjolein Bastin is a well-known Dutch illustrator with a series of books about a certain “Vera the Mouse.” Looks like I have some more books to hunt down!


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