Book Find: "A Christmas Carol" (Part 2)

My first copy of “A Christmas Carol” is pretty nondescript. It is small, green, and has no illustrations. But it is one of my favorite volumes in my library. I somehow convinced my mom to let me take it with me when I left home. It was given to our family by a friend a long time ago.

The only reason it is treasured is because it is old and good. It was probably published in 1909, but there is no date inscribed, so I can’t be certain. Now, old books are not really anything special. I have a lot of old books, and some even older than this volume. But old and good is nice, and “A Christmas Carol” is good. I might even call it transcendent. I sometimes think it would be nice for some of the straw we call art to continue on into eternity, as being valuable expressions of truth or beauty. I would nominate “A Christmas Carol” on both accounts.

If you haven’t read this story, do yourself the favor. There are many good (and not so good) adaptations f it, but you should have read it at least once.


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