The Ninth Doctor Top Stories

The return of the show was a wonderful development, and the creators of the show did a good job of securing its new staying power. That said, I donā€™t count a lot of these ten stories amongst my all-time favorites. Since there are only ten, here are my preferred five:

5. ā€œRoseā€

The rebirth of the show was a crowd pleaser simply in the fact that it aired.

4. ā€œThe End of the Worldā€

A fun look at the new effects, and the new potential futures and aliens. Unfortunately, the new series would not have a lot of that imagination for the first few years as it remained tied to Earth and several recurring characters and settings. Perhaps that helped it last, though.

3. ā€œBad Wolfā€ and ā€œThe Parting of the Waysā€

The culmination of the first season tied the whole run together in a way that the original show seldom did. (See the ā€œKey to Timeā€ run of the Fourth Doctor.)

2. ā€œThe Unquiet Deadā€

A nice creepy story for the first ā€œhistoricalā€ journey. It was good to see Doctor Who was going to keep the scares around.

1. ā€œThe Empty Childā€ and ā€œThe Doctor Dancesā€

The unquestioned highlight of the Ninth Doctor. We got a taste of where things would go with Steven Moffat.


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