The Gospel of John (Working Outline)

I. Prologue: “The Word” (1:1-18)
 i. The Word, with God, God, Life and the Light of men. (1:1-5)
 ii. John came bearing witness to the Light. (1:6-8)
 iii. All who believe in the Light’s name are children of God. (1:9-13)
 iv. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, revealing God’s glory. (1:14-18)
II. Jesus’ Ministry in the World (The Book of Signs) (1:19-12:50)
A. The announcement and beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (1:19-51)
 1. John the Baptist: “Jesus, the Lamb of God” (1:19-34) Teaching
  i. John baptizes people in repentance, but he is not the Christ. (1:19-28)
  ii. John testifies that Jesus is the Lamb who takes away sins. (1:29-34)
 2. Acceptance: Jesus Calls Disciples (1:35-51) Narrative
  i. Jesus calls his first disciples, among them Andrew and Peter. (1:35-42)
  ii. Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael as well. (1:43-51)
B. The Revelation of the New Order in Jesus (2:1-4:40)
 1. Jesus Turns Water to Wine (2:1-11) Miracle 1
 2. Rejection: Jews over the Temple (2:12-25) Narrative
 3. Being Born Again (Nicodemus) (3:1-21) Teaching
 4. (JB2) Jesus the Son of God (3:22-36) Teaching
 5. Jesus, The Living Water (Woman at the well) (4:1-42) Teaching
C. Jesus the Mediator of Life and Judgment (4:43-5:47)
 1. The Healing of a Man’s Son (4:43-54) Miracle 2
 2. The Healing of a Lame Man (5:1-18) Miracle 3
 3. Jesus the Son of God, God the Father (5:19-47) Teaching
D. Jesus the Bread of Life (6:1-71)
 1. The Feeding of the Five Thousand (6:1-15) Miracle 4
 2. Jesus Walks on Water (6:16-21) Miracle 5
 3. The Bread of Life (6:22-71) Teaching
E. Jesus the Water and Light of Life (7:1-8:59)
 1. Jesus the Messiah (7:1-44) Teaching
 2. Rejection: Jewish Leaders (7:45-52) Narrative
 [Interlude of the woman caught in adultery. (7:53-8:11) Narrative]
 3. Fathers: God, Abraham, the Devil (8:12-59) Teaching
F. Jesus the Light and Shepherd of Humanity (9:1-10:42)
 1. The Healing of a Blind Man (9:1-41) Miracle 6
 2. Jesus the Good Shepherd (10:1-21) Teaching
 3. Rejection: Jews (10:22-42) Narrative
G. Jesus the Resurrection and the Life (11:1-57)
 1. The Resurrection of Lazarus (11:1-44) Miracle 7
 2. Rejection: Plot to Kill Jesus (11:45-57) Narrative
H. Jesus the King, Triumphant through Death (12:1-50)
 1. Acceptance: Anointing / Triumphal Entry (12:1-19) Narrative
  i. Mary anoints Jesus with oil. (12:1-8)
  ii. The Jews plot to kill Lazarus. (12:9-11)
  iii. Jesus enters Jerusalem before adoring crowds. (12:12-19)
 2. Jesus the Son of Man (Prediction of Death) (12:20-36a) Teaching
  i. Greeks seek Jesus out, Jesus predicts His coming death. (12:20-26)
  ii. Jesus discusses His coming death and its implications. (12:27-36a)
 3. Rejection: Jews (12:36b-50) Narrative
  i. The people still do not believe, as prophesied. (12:36b-43)
  ii. Jesus came as the Light, not to judge but to save the world. (12:44-50)
 III. Jesus’ Ministry to His People (The Book of the Passion) (13:1-20:31)
 A. The Ministry of Jesus to the Disciples (13:1-17:26)
 1. The Foot Washing (13:1-30) Teaching
 2. The Departure and the Return of Jesus (13:31-14:31) Teaching
 3. Jesus the True Vine; Love One Another (15:1-17) Teaching
 4. The Hatred of the World for the Church (15:18-16:4a) Teaching
 5. The Joy that overcomes Tribulation (16:4b-33) Teaching
 6. The Prayer of Consecration (17:1-26) Teaching
B. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus (18:1-20:31)
 1. The Arrest of Jesus (18:1-11) Narrative
 2. The Trial before the High Priest (18:12-27) Narrative
  i. Jesus is taken before Annas. (18:12-14)
  ii. Peter denies knowing Jesus. (18:15-18)
  iii. Annas questions Jesus. (18:19-24)
  iv. Peter denies Jesus twice more before the rooster crows. (18:25-27)
 3. The Trial before Pilate (18:28-19:16a) Narrative
  i. Jesus is taken to the governor’s porch. (18:28-32)
  ii. Pilate interrogates Jesus, Jesus bears witness to the truth. (18:33-38a)
  iii. Pilate offers to release Jesus but the people demand Barabbas. (18:38b-40)
  iv. Pilate has Jesus beaten and tries to release Him again. (19:1-11)
  v. Pilate tries to release Jesus, the crowd’s pressure increases. (19:12-16a)
 4. The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus (19:16b-42) Narrative
  i. Jesus is hung on the cross. (19:16b-22)
  ii. The soldiers fulfill prophecy and Jesus entrusts Mary to John. (19:23-27)
  iii. Jesus dies. (19:28-30)
  iv. Jesus’ death is discovered as His side is pierced. (19:31-37)
  v. Jesus is buried by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. (19:38-42)
 5. The Resurrection of Jesus (20:1-31) Narrative
  i. The empty tomb is discovered. (20:1-10)
  ii. Jesus appears to Mary Magdala. (20:11-18)
  iii. Jesus appears to the ten. (20:19-23)
  iv. Thomas demands proof of the resurrection. (20:24, 25)
  v. Thomas sees and believes. (20:26-29)
  vi. John explains why he wrote his gospel. (20:30, 31)
IV. Epilogue: The Mission of the Church and It’s Apostles (21:1-25)
 i. Jesus hosts a fish-fry with the disciples. (21:1-14)
 ii. Jesus reinstates Peter. (21:15-19)
 iii. Jesus instructs Peter regarding John. (21:20-23)
 iv. The beloved disciple is the one writing. (21:24)
 v. Ths is just a sampling of what Jesus did. (21:25)


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